

Ever felt like your creativity's on a leash? This episode is the key to setting it free! Not only do we dive into some game-changing Biblical principles, but you'll also get up-close and personal with my rollercoaster of creative highs and lows. Here are 3 key takeaways for you:

1️⃣ Enough with the Comparison Game: Listen, you're a unique masterpiece—no replicas, no knock-offs. So why waste precious moments comparing your journey with someone else's highlight reel? You've got something they don't: YOU and all your glory! Own it, flaunt it, and let your true colors shine. It's what makes you irreplaceable in business and in life.

2️⃣ Real Talk: Not Just Your Sunday Best: You've got 24/7 VIP access to the most powerful connection of all—a direct line to God. And that, my friend, isn't restricted to a church pew. This episode will shake up how you see your spiritual walk and show you how to live your faith daily.

3️⃣ Unleash That Inner Picasso: Creativity isn't just for artists and musicians; it's the key to breaking the mold in any field. Hear how I used laugh-out-loud, industry-specific cards to network like a boss. Spoiler: it's genius, and it worked! We all have that creative genius tucked inside us, just waiting for you to let it loose.

Key Topics:

  • Shine Like Only You Can: Be the irreplaceable YOU the world needs.

  • No More Self-Sabotage: Ditch those self-imposed limits. They're holding you back!

  • Shout Your Wins from the Rooftop: Don't be shy. Your accomplishments are your superpowers!

  • Stand Out, Don't Blend In: Your unique wins set you apart in this competitive world.

  • Sell Yourself, but Not Your Soul: Show the world what you're made of, authentically.

  • Embrace Divine Accountability: The fear of God can guide us in times of temptation.

  • Be a Market Maverick: Courageously share your message, even if it’s unpopular.

  • Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: God's watching—make sure you're not holding back.

  • Laugh It Off: Spice up your biz approach with a dash of humor.

  • Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Tackling the age-old question that bewilders many.

  • You're a Born Creator: Creativity isn't exclusive—it's a divine trait we all share.

  • Break That Box: Push your limits; it's where the magic happens!

  • Divine Downloads: Those random, God-given ideas? Act on them!

  • The What-If Regrets: Frustration over missed divine opportunities.

  • Time's Not the Boss of God: A higher perspective on the timing of our lives.

  • Your Words, Your World: Harness the divine power of words to uplift.

  • Media Talk: Why so negative? Change the narrative.

  • Divine Courage: Speak boldly when you're led by the Spirit.

  • The Quick Fix Pitfall: Instant pleasure could mean long-term pain.


[00:02:05] God's creative power and personal struggles.

[00:03:52] You don't need church to be Christian.

[00:08:49] Humorous customized cards with timed delivery.

[00:09:56] First book published; used God's creativity. Top sales, broke into doors using simple cards. Remembered as "the card lady."

[00:15:52] Comparison is a waste; be yourself, shine.

[00:19:23] Be bold, speak truth, disregard consequences.

[00:21:26] Accountability, boldness, fear of God, speaking the truth, disregard for consequences, Sabbath rest.

[00:26:16] "Seeking inspiration, take action, share progress."

If any of this hits home—or better yet, if it strikes a chord in your soul—smash that subscribe button. Go ahead, share this gem of an episode with your tribe, and let's spread this creative wildfire. Plus, those reviews you leave? They're the fuel to our fire, encouraging us to churn out more life-transforming content.

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