

When you’ve exhausted all the fad diets, exercise programs, and even your doctor, can’t give you answers… what do you do? The most trying time in Chelsie's health and physical body pushed her into seeking solutions His Way...literally every organ system in her body were not functioning.  She was getting migraines, brain fog, heavy metal toxicity, stuttered speech, and being diagnosed with menopause at the age of 27 were just of the things that catapulted her search for TRUTH about healing.  Now mind you, she was a nurse and knew a lot about traditional western medicine. But one appointed day at a conference, Chelsie got a hold of a scripture, Jeremiah 29:11 that states, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, to give you hope, and a bright future," that changed her life forever. 

In this episode, she shares the truth about "organic foods", how her pain turned into His promise, how writing a book catapulted her to entrepreneurship, the importance of getting to know all three persons of the Trinity, what wholeness really means, and how investing in herself was a game changer that shifted her business to the next level.

Chelsie Ward is a Wellness Practitioner, Coach, Minister and Author of Healed His Way, Learning to Trust the Great Physician. She believes that our bodies tell a unique story, and when we listen, the body tells us what it needs to heal. Her sickness drove her to do intense research into how the body works, how food is medicine, and how God designed our bodies to heal themselves. 

You can reach Chelsie at www.chelsieward.com