
Show Notes

Have you ever felt like God was calling you to something bigger—something extraordinary—but all you could think was, Why me? Who am I to do this? I’ve faced that very question time and time again. In fact, it’s one of the biggest lies the enemy uses to keep us stuck in fear, doubt, and inaction. But here’s the truth: That “burning bush” moment is not about you—it’s about God’s divine plan for your life and business.

In this episode of The Estherpreneur Podcast, you’ll learn how to:

  • Break free from the 5 excuses holding you back (hint: even Moses made them).
  • Shift from “Who am I?” to “Here I am, Lord—send me!”
  • Leverage my “Staff in Your Hand” principle to unlock the gifts God has already placed in your life.
  • Discover why your obstacles are a setup for divine provision and favor.

You’ll hear real stories of entrepreneurs who turned their biggest fears into their greatest breakthroughs—and practical steps you can take today to step boldly into your calling.

Why should you listen now? Because the enemy wants you to delay, and every moment you hesitate is a moment the world misses out on the impact only you can make.

Ready to turn your burning bush moment into your greatest testimony? Grab my free resource, Ignite Unshakable Success in Business and Life, and learn how to transform your business battles into blessings. Go to https://www.favorandwealth.com/the-prosperity-blueprint to get started.

This is your moment. Your time. Your calling. Let’s step into it together.

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Join me, Edna Harding, on a journey through spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurial insight, where Timeless Wisdom meets Timely Methods in every episode. 

Show Transcript

Edna Harding [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Estrepreneur, a podcast for entrepreneurs and leaders doing business and life God's way. Each week, we discuss biblical and to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as I speak with special guests on how to thrive in all aspects of life. Hi, I'm Edna. Like many of you, I wear many hats. I'm a military wife, mother, author, certified John Maxwell business and executive coach, trainer and founder of Favor and Wealth who we help the good guys win. So tune in as we bring on the light. Hey, guys.

Edna Harding [00:00:48]:
Welcome to another episode of the Essentrepreneur Podcast. My name is Edna Harding, and if you're new here, welcome to all my returning listeners. I'm so glad you guys are tuning in the 1st week of 2025. Can you guys believe it? It is officially 2025, the year of double grace from the Lord Jesus. I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited about this year. Not just because it's new beginning, new seasons, but there are so much anticipation in my spirit that God is about to blow our minds. I do wanna start off that a lot of you guys may be feeling discouraged, maybe feeling like you didn't accomplish what you God told you to accomplish. Maybe you thought your life would be different by now, and things are looking, like average, you know, not what you expected.

Edna Harding [00:01:50]:
What I can say is that you have to fight that feeling and you have to see beyond what you see in the natural. Now, this has been a constant battle for me in the past. I, you know, I started my journey as far as walking in my purpose in 2016, and it's been 8 years later, almost 8 years because it was the spring. Yeah. It was a spring of 2016 when I found out what my assignment was, which back then this happened at a John Maxwell conference. I was there for, getting my certification. I was graduating from the program and I was in line at the Starbucks. And 2 gentlemen, kept looking at me, kept talking, kept looking at me, and they were like, they're staring at me.

Edna Harding [00:02:40]:
Like, I felt kind of awkward. I'm like, why are these guys staring at me? I finally got my coffee, sat down, and they say, excuse me, ma'am. Can you please come out and and to the front? And we wanna talk to you. I'm like, okay. And so I went out there and I'm sitting there. These 2 men from the Philippines, started prophesying over me. Now, mind you, this was not a church conference. This was a business conference where a lot of business consultant coaches, trainers, speakers from all over the world.

Edna Harding [00:03:12]:
We're learning from John Maxwell and his team. And so I did not expect this that I'm sitting there, you know, and no one's ever really prophesied to me. I didn't even know what prophesying to me meant. In fact, the person that prophesied to me was my aunt who's auntie Tita Maya, who, a a few years before this back in 20 2013. Yeah. 2013, she prophesied over me about, basically my marriage and at that time and how I was going to die if I don't leave that marriage. And he's she saw me in a casket and all this fun stuff, so I I moved on, learn to, you know, it, it, it, just put it this way. I felt it in my spirit that it was truly from God, even though I didn't really know what it meant.

Edna Harding [00:04:01]:
And so the second time where someone prophesied over me, these two gentlemen said, I keep seeing the words marketplace apostle, marketplace apostle above your head. And they just started prophesying to me about, you know, God's plans for me and that, you know, about wealth and riches and blessings and things like that and favor and so forth. And I'm just sitting there dumbfounded. I didn't really say much. I didn't even say I receive it. I didn't know what to do because this is I've never experienced this before. And then, and then all of a sudden, you know, they started praying for me, and then the rest is history. And now I'm here, k, with this podcast.

Edna Harding [00:04:44]:
And a lot has happened after that, and I don't have time to go over all the details. What I can say is that even though in the natural, I didn't see anything. And I didn't know what was happening and throughout the journey and mind you, I experienced some very tough, tough battles. And we all hell broke loose after that, to be quite honest with everything that concerned me, from finances to business, to church, to relationships, to just all friendships. I mean, all types of things, physical, mental, emotional, everything. And it was really hard for me to praise God. And it was really hard for me to pray to God. It was really hard for me to thank God.

Edna Harding [00:05:31]:
It was really hard for me to talk to God during that time, but I had to make a conscious decision every year that this year is going to be different. And this year, God is gonna see me through. And this year, I'm gonna receive the blessings and the favor and the word that God spoke over me many years ago. And, you know, it's funny because I would do these vision boards. It's not really a board. It's basically a document that I print out on the word of the Lord for me and this year for 2025, I'm gonna go ahead and read it. I normally don't share this stuff. I've been doing this in 2,017, but I'm gonna read you for 2025.

Edna Harding [00:06:16]:
And the word that God gave me for myself was roaring Edna. So typically every year, there's a word that, that God gives me about myself for the that year, like who I'm gonna be. And it is roaring Edna, and I'm gonna read it just to share with you guys the word. The darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. I am his true light. I have overcome the evil one. I am strong and the word of God remains in me. This is my no weeping season.

Edna Harding [00:06:48]:
And I am going to walk with the oil of gladness for the rest of my days. I will operate with the wisdom of God. My season of overtaking has begun. He has marked me and no devil in hell can touch me. My greater works era is here. And it was, there was such a powerful presence when I was writing this early this morning. I usually do it the 1st of the year or the last couple of days before the new year. And I just feel like this is the hour where I'm going to see finally the fruits of those words.

Edna Harding [00:07:27]:
And so why am I sharing this all to you with you guys? I know that the journey might be long for you guys, or you might be feeling like disappointed and concerned and worried coming from someone who's been there who understands exactly what you're going through, who knows what it's like to have your faith tested, just seems like the enemy is laughing at you for still believing and still having faith after all this time. I want to encourage you. You are not alone. Okay. So I'm going to share this episode that I really believe is going to speak to your heart. And I pray that as you listen, that you won't hear me, but you'll hear the holy spirit that's inside of me. Okay. I want you to ask yourself this, okay.

Edna Harding [00:08:14]:
Have you ever felt like you were standing at your own burning Bush? You know, that moment when God shows you an incredible opportunity and you, all you can think is who am I to do this? Who am I? Why me? What do I have to bring? That's exactly how I felt when I started looking up like what apostles do and what marketplace of pot. I didn't even know that was a thing, but apparently there's a few of them. In fact, one of the leaders of this global group that has marketplace apostles from all over the world connected with me. And, it just invited me to this group that they're doing amazing things for the kingdom of God all over the world. And I'm like a nobody I'm on stay at home mom at that time. And I can tell you that I felt like I think God made a mistake. I feel like this I think, Lord, you missed the mark on that one. And you know what? Moses felt that same way.

Edna Harding [00:09:23]:
And today, we're gonna tackle this head on. Okay? So if we're tired of battling those who am I moments in your business and you're ready to turn self doubt into divine confidence, this episode is for you. I truly believe that's going to encourage you. Okay? I can't tell you how many times I've worked with clients who walks away from opportunities because it was too different from what they know. It's not what they've done before. It's something completely new and it's out of their comfort zone. I've worked with people who took those challenges and believed God and pursued that thing that they have no idea about and have found tremendous success. I've worked with people who was afraid and quit and did not wanna go down that route, ended up staying with what they know, and they missed out in so many big opportunities.

Edna Harding [00:10:26]:
There are people I know who walk away from major contracts, not because they lack the skills, but because of that inner Moses voice whispering, who am I to handle this? K. Now, if this sounds familiar, I want to encourage you that by the end of the today's episode, today's episode, this episode you listened to, you'll have a biblical framework to silence that voice and set boldly into that calling, whatever that may be. I want you guys to travel back with me to Exodus 3, picture this Moses, a man who had fled Egypt, tending sheep in the wilderness, suddenly confronted by a Bush that burned was sent that wasn't consumed. Right? Then God speaks. It's a moment of calling, but Moses' first response, what was it? No. Thank you, Lord. And who am I that I should go to pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? Right? You know, this is the same response I see so often entrepreneurs and leaders I work with. Right? Whenever I say God has a huge call on your life, God has a big purpose for your life.

Edna Harding [00:11:38]:
God has called you to do things. You know, I I see it. I feel it. I know it yet they walk away because they listen to that voice that and then there's a know what she's talking about. Like, who who are you? Who are you to think that you could change nations? Who are you to think that you could change industries? Okay. And the truth is and I'm gonna I'm gonna let's let's peel off the band aid. You're burning bush moment. Isn't just about you.

Edna Harding [00:12:11]:
It's not about you at all. In fact, it's about God's bigger plan for your life and business. Because just as God chose Moses to deliver the Israelites, he's chosen you to create impact and influence through your business. And doesn't matter how mundane it is. Okay. You could be a janitor. You could be a babysitter. You could be a, I don't know, dog Walker.

Edna Harding [00:12:40]:
You could be a, I don't know, a painter. You could be a tutor. I don't care. It doesn't matter how like you feel like it's so basic. It's not like major making drastic changes in the world and the country and the nations, but the things that you are doing, whether, however small it is, has eternal impact. And when you see these moments through the lens of God's purpose, they stop becoming intimidating and they start becoming invitations. The scriptures is very clear. If you're faithful with little, you'll be faithful with much.

Edna Harding [00:13:20]:
Now before God took me to train the masses or to consult leaders of huge corporations or, do advice for, you know, major, organizations that manage 100 of 1,000,000 of dollars. Before he took me there, I had to be faithful with the little. And my little started out with teaching children's church and teaching children's, youth youth leader. I was a youth leader. I was a children's church. I was a Sunday school teacher. I was a Awana leader. Like, I started small.

Edna Harding [00:13:56]:
I started where I was. And as I grew and as I mature and as I learned from those experiences, he continued to promote me to where I am now. So you've heard this before. Don't despise small beginnings. Don't despise where you're at because the longer you complain, the longer you compare yourself to other people, the longer you wish you were somewhere instead of where you're not, where you're, where you are right now, you will miss that moment. You will miss the purpose of that season, you know, but Moses let's just put it this day. Moses didn't stop at one excuse. He gave God 5, right? And I've heard every single one of them from my clients at some point, let's break them down together.

Edna Harding [00:14:46]:
And let's talk about the response to each. The first one is who am I? Okay. Moses doubted his qualifications, right? I once coach a client let's call her Rachel who felt unworthy of leading a multimillion dollar nonprofit, Her her identity was tied to past mistakes, not God's promises. And like Moses, she needed to hear God's assurance, I will be with you. The second. Objection or not objection was that word second excuse, okay, that Moses had was what if they don't believe me Ever wondered every sorry. Not ever wondered, ever worried that others would doubt your abilities? Moses did too, but God didn't send him empty handed. He gave him signs and wonders to confirm his calling in the same way.

Edna Harding [00:15:52]:
God equips you with a unique skills, gifts, and favor to show others what his hand it that his not what that his hand is on your life. And the third is what? What did he say? He said, I am slow of speech. This one hits home for many entrepreneurs who feel like they lack the right skill set. Right? I had a client who struggled with public speaking, but was called to lead workshops. His breakthrough came when he trusted God's promises to help you speak and teach you what to say, which again is scriptural. K? I can't tell you how many times I would get invited to speak at a conference or at a workshop or at the chamber. And I'm like, what am I gonna teach these people? And I I always, like, panic. And I remember I'm taking notes.

Edna Harding [00:16:57]:
I'm preparing for the talk and the right before I get on stage, I'm like, my hands are sweating. I'm freaking out. My heart is my stomach. So turned my heart is beating fast. And even if I know these people I've done this even with churches and I know these people and I still feel the same way. And I remember every time before I hop on the stage, I always say, holy spirit take over, say what you want me to say. I don't want it to be about me. I don't want it to be about me.

Edna Harding [00:17:26]:
I want it to be about you. Okay? Let's look at number 4. Oh, I wanted to say that he would teach you what to say. Number 4. And, the the the fourth reason that he said it was, please send someone else. In Exodus 4:13, Moses reaches a breaking point. He essentially tells God, I'm not the right person. Send someone else.

Edna Harding [00:17:50]:
This is the ultimate act of self doubt stemming from fear of failure and feelings of inadequacy. I remember I would say to God, but there's so many other people taking to teaching business God's way now. Like, I missed the boat. It's too late. And I remember I used to tell that because I was like, I was a stay at home mom for a few years. There's no way I can make the same impact anymore because I'm just far too busy. I don't have time to do what I used to do when I was single. And I was questioning my ability when in reality, God said, just what do you have? What do you have, Edna? What do you have in your hands? And I'm like, okay, I have a podcast.

Edna Harding [00:18:30]:
I have my LinkedIn. I have my books. I have my articles. I have my program. And I started listing all. I'm like, oh my gosh, I have a lot more than I thought. And he said, simplify it. And he told me, get rid of Facebook, get of Instagram, get rid of YouTube, focus on less is more focus on LinkedIn, focus on your podcast, focus on newsletter.

Edna Harding [00:18:51]:
And that's all I've been doing. And it really helped me a lot because I was trying to follow the masses. I was trying to follow all the latest, greatest tools. I bought every single course on TikTok, Instagram. I'm talking about Facebook ads. I've hired coaches and all those three things. In fact, on YouTube as well, I hired hired Sunny Len and Narzee, and then here am I not applying any of those things. In fact, when my my social media grew, I it was when I didn't apply those things.

Edna Harding [00:19:20]:
And then I started hiring those things and it started like plateauing and it made me realize it's like, you know, it wasn't this, the strategies or the programs that I bought that got me to increase my reach. It was the holy spirit because the holy spirit was the one who drew the crowd to me. So what am I saying this? I was like, back to what I back to what my original point was, I was saying, well, God, it's too late. I missed the boat. Like, I wasted so much time because of this, this and that, making all these excuses. I remember the Lord says, no, I still have a need for your gifting. I still have a need for your voice. And he told me, get back on the horse.

Edna Harding [00:20:04]:
And that's what I did. And slowly but surely, I'm building that reach again. And people are being touched by the messages that God put in my heart and I'm like, oh my gosh. I can't believe it's starting to happen again, which means it's all in your head. You know, for you to think that, oh, there's someone else that's doing it or send someone else that's truly is not so much, you know, a lot of times we're like, well, is it really just me that I really want other people to do? Or it's because I have a fear of failure or I feel like I'm inadequate. And it came down to those 2. I was afraid that I wasn't gonna be able to reach the same reach that I had when I was single because when you're married, you have less time. Let's say quite frankly, you have less time.

Edna Harding [00:20:55]:
I don't have time to edit and go on YouTube and, you know, green screen, edit videos, make it all fancy, do the voiceovers, do the backgrounds. I mean, it takes a lot of time. And I'd also quite frankly, I also don't wanna be spending money on that, hiring someone else to do that for me. Because I was like, God, I we have young kids who still needs to go to college, and they have a lot of expenses. Both girls go to a private school. I was like, I I don't have time to do all that stuff, you know, and edit a bunch of stuff. Right? So I started doing it myself, and God has given me resources and softwares and tools to help me do it. But bottom line is he'll meet you where you are, but you have to say yes.

Edna Harding [00:21:42]:
Okay. Remember that if God opens this door for you, whatever that is, it's because he sees you as the right person to walk through it, Just like Moses. K. I had to understand that God's calling comes with his provision and that if he tells me I can do something in the midst of my natural circumstances. And when I say natural circumstances, it's not that thank you, Holy Spirit. It's not that I can't do it because I can, but I literally will be spreading myself out too thin if I try to do every single thing that I've learned to grow my reach, grow my impact, become an influencer, all that fun stuff that people want to strive by. This is why they're creating all these reels, creating all these ads, creating all these things. I'm like, God, I just want untruthfully.

Edna Harding [00:22:32]:
And I mean this in the bottom of my heart, anybody that knows me and who's working in the past knows this. I just want people to know about your love. And I want people to do business God's way and get results. That's what I care about because I want to show to the world that God's ways work and that you don't have to follow the world systems and you will still get results. The challenge behind that is most of the time when you apply God's ways, you deal with so many battles and you deal with so much war that it makes you think this God's ways really work. It makes you question God's ways because you're not getting the results by following the world systems. Does that make sense? These are all going through my head and it's a constant battle. And I realize the reason for the battle is because you already won.

Edna Harding [00:23:31]:
Oh my gosh. I pray that you hear me by way of the spirit. The reason why there is so much opposition going against you, my friend right now is because when Jesus says that you are this, this, whatever he calls you to be, whatever you are, X, X, X, that means that it's done. It's finished. He finished the work on the cross and now the enemy is trying to sabotage or delay that word from coming to pass. But the only way for that pass, sorry, for those words to be sabotage or to not manifold manifest is because, and when I say manifest, I'm gonna talk about voodoo, all that stuff I'm talking about, like for it to happen on earth as it is in heaven is when you give up and when you quit. Okay? He's not after you because you're weak. He's after you because you're strong.

Edna Harding [00:24:27]:
Oh, come on, Jesus. Preach this is not coming. And this is not on my notes, my friend. This is from the throne rule of heaven. He's not after you because you're weak. He's after you because you're strong. Remember when Moses tried to opt out, God didn't let him off the hook. Instead, he provided who he provided Aaron as a helper.

Edna Harding [00:24:47]:
This shows to us that God understands our fears and equips us with the right partnerships to fulfill his purpose. And your business. Don't be afraid to lean on your team, your mentors, or trusted advisors, and don't disqualify yourself from the role God has prepared for you because of your perspective of who you are or your perspective of your natural situation. And the 5th excuse Moses said was what if they reject me? No underlying all of Moses excuse was this fear. And that is rejection. He worried about what pharaoh and the other Israelites would think he, whether they would listen to him or if his past failures would discredit him. Remember he murdered someone. Okay.

Edna Harding [00:25:34]:
Now here's the thing, regardless of your past, God can still use you. Trust me. I wasn't all the miss goody tissues, religious, you know, love fun, loving, always doing the right thing type of girl. I was a hoochie mama. I did. I drank a lot. I partied. I, I was not living a life pleasing to God all the time.

Edna Harding [00:26:02]:
I went through a season of complete rebellion against God, but God is still using me this day. Why? Because of the blood of Jesus, because Jesus already paid the price so that no matter what decisions you've made, what matter what anybody has done to you, no matter what experiences you have good, bad, and ugly, he will use it all for his namesake for his glory because you chose him and he chose you, right? Rejection is a fear. Many of us face, especially when stepping into something new. One of my clients, David had the opportunity to pitch his tech solution to a fortune 500 company. Now, what is his biggest fear? What was his biggest fear? What if they don't take me seriously? What if they say no and reminded him of this truth? Rejection is often redirection, but obedience to God's calling is never in vain. So what did he do? He moved forward with a pitch and while he didn't land the deal with the company, his bonus caught the attention of another executive leading to an even better partnership. You know, in Exodus chapter 3, verse 19 to 20, God told Moses upfront that Pharaoh's heart would be hard and that it wouldn't be an easy task. God told him already the challenges he was going to face.

Edna Harding [00:27:30]:
Just like God told me many times that the battles are just going to get worse. I'm like, great. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. But God also assured him. I will stretch out my hands. It strike the Egyptians with all the wonders I will perform among them. The lesson success isn't defined by how others respond.

Edna Harding [00:27:52]:
It's defined by your obedience to God's instructions. He will handle the outcome. Remember this guys, that your doubts and fears don't disqualify you from your calling. God doesn't expect perfection. He expects obedience. And when you step into your role, even with hesitation, God's strength fills the gaps and his grace covers your shortcomings. I see this time and time again in my life. You know, he is such an amazing God.

Edna Harding [00:28:27]:
He is so faithful. He's so kind. He's so merciful. He's so just, and he understands you just as you are. Okay. Now, now that we've dismantled all of the excuses, I want us to build on something stronger, and that is divine confidence. I call it the staff in your hand principle inspired by Exodus 42. When God asked Moses, what's in your hand, he showed us a powerful lesson.

Edna Harding [00:28:55]:
God equips us with everything we need for the journey. So I want you to take this verse and make it practical, and this is how we're gonna do it. Number 1, I want you to make an inventory of your gifts, make a list of all your skills, your resources, and connections. And I want you to trust that God can multiply what's already in your hand. What do you have? Start with what that, what do you have? I always tell people, start with the end, write down what it, what he says for you to accomplish, then start with the start, meaning, like, write all the things that you currently have and identify the gap. And after you identify the gap, find scriptures to bridge that gap. Right? So we do this on a regular basis for any new business idea or any offer or any product, and it's really gonna help you. If you guys need help doing this, you know, join my business unlimited program because this is unlimited program.

Edna Harding [00:29:55]:
We go over all of that. And I give you guys an audit on what it is that you guys are working on as well. That's a shameless plug, but that this is exactly the exercise that I go over with my clients. Just go to favorandwealth.com, go to growth mentoring, grow group, growth and mentoring services tab, and you'll see the different options there. The second thing I want you to do is act in faith. Moses had to throw down his staff before it became a serpent. I want you to ask yourself, what step of faith is God asking you to take today? What does that look like? Is it buying that book? Is it signing up for that speaking, program? Is it joining business unlimited? My program, is it hiring a coach? Is it, praying and fasting, whatever it is, just obey guys, just obey. And last but not least, I want you to partner with God.

Edna Harding [00:30:53]:
Remember divine confidence. Isn't about self reliance. It's about God reliance. When you let him lead, he turns your ordinary into extra ordinary. K? So I wanted to say that as we close today, and I really want to you guys to hear my heart, I wanna remind you of this truth. Your who am I moment is actually your invitation to partner with God for something greater. Like Moses, you have everything you need to succeed because God is with you. And if this message resonates with you, I've created a free word free resource to help you go deeper.

Edna Harding [00:31:37]:
And that is ignite unshakable success in business and in life. It's called my prosperity blueprint. It's a free training intensive, but You could go to my website, look under free resources. And, you'll see that there is 90 minutes. I'm currently working on a 30 minute version, but the 90 minutes, you know, I understand what they say about, you know, that people short attention span is really short and they don't have time to be on a computer for 90 minutes, hour to hour, just like in church. They want this message to be short and short and short. But here's one thing I can say, guys. You cannot shorten the truths of God.

Edna Harding [00:32:18]:
Like, you take it or leave it. You know? You can't say, okay. Well, I don't have time to listen to or read all the whole entire Bible, so I'm just gonna pick 1 verse and I'm just gonna meditate on that because you miss out on so much. So I've incur I I want to encourage you that if you have time to block out 90 minutes, just to listen to this free training, it's free. I'm not charging you. Okay? Sign up for that. Do it because it's really gonna help you with, we'll dive into transforming your business battles into blessings and charting a path to the growth God has for you. Okay.

Edna Harding [00:32:56]:
Remember God, doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. So until next time, this is Edna Harding, encouraging you to step boldly into your calling. Remember that your burning Bush moment is just the beginning of your breakthrough. God bless you, my friends, and I'll see you guys next time. Keep shining. Thanks for joining us this week on Estrepreneur. Make sure to visit our web site, favorandwealth.com, for more information on our services.

Edna Harding [00:33:27]:
While you're at it, if you found value in this show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Or if you simply tell a friend about the show, that would help me out too. Also, check out my book, The LD Side of Sales, available on Amazon, where I share 7 of my secrets on how to win and grow business the right way. Until next time, keep shining.